I’m glad I found this and someone Good When You’re Dear Inside But It’s Christmas Pullovers Shirt understands, that movie was so emotional and my siblings used to make fun of how much I’d sob. It was the dad gorilla who dies after finally accepting Tarzan as part of the family, and Tarzan’s carelessness is what caused an attack on the gorillas and the dad’s death. Also, the part when Tarzan dresses in a suit to join the other humans and says goodbye to the mother gorilla would make me bawl. The ending was nice though. Spoilers. Moana. The scene where her grandma died and reincarnated into that giant manta ray.
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And the one where she came to Moana Good When You’re Dear Inside But It’s Christmas Pullovers Shirts. After she failed on the first attempt to restore the heart. Just the line “There is nowhere you could go that I won’t be with you.” This is my answer too! My grandma died shortly before we saw the movie in theaters. I absolutely sobbed when her spirit came down through the village and out into the water. Actually crying right now thinking of it. I never thought of it like that, but now I”m crying. Because my grandmother passed away when my son (who is now 16) was 3 and I remember telling her at the visitation, “I’ll be alright. I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl now.” and here I am, crying like a baby because I miss her ass so damn much.
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