The fact that they have a Trump Good Some Girls Go Pontooning And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Girls Shirt flag at all like it is some sort of identity, is sickening. Almost sounds like what another conservative party did in Germany…For fucks sake. It’s like he never left his TV show and is just getting his rocks off shouting, “you’re fired,” to anyone who disputes him. That’s what he’s been doing his entire presidency. And his base loves it. Imagine supporting this guy with all your heart and your brain cell. America is a total embarrassment. Over 73 million dipshits still support this petty sore loser crybaby. How scary is it that 70 million people voted for this guy again?
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Now he wants to withdraw troops Good Some Girls Go Pontooning And Drink Too Much It’s Me I’m Some Girls Shirts and was trying to start some shit with Iran on his way out…This scares the ever-living fuck out of me. This is indicative of absolute intolerance for anyone publicly stating something that opposes his narrative. This behavior is too far down the line towards fascism. Nothing quite like a twitter fact check on Trump trying to do his own fact check. Presidential cycle:1. The Republican president takes over a healthy country and fuck things up. 2. Democrat President inherits a giant pile of mess and now has to spend an entire presidency cleaning it up. 3. See step 1.2.5 Republicans then blame the democrats for the said mess.
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