Under section 126, states can petition Good A Little Reading Is All The Therapy A Person Needs Sometimes Shirt EPA for a finding. So that upwind sources emit in violation of the good neighbor provision, discussed above. Specifically, section 126(b) allows any state. Or political subdivision to petition EPA to find that a major source or group of stationary sources emits. So would emit any air pollutant at amounts that violate the good neighbor provisions of the Act. Section 126(c) provides that a source for which such a finding is made must. Within specified timeframes, either cease operation or comply with emissions limitations established by. EPA to bring about compliance with the good neighbor provision. EPA has received several 126 petitions regarding the 2008 or 2015 ozone NAAQS.
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Section 176A provides that, when Good A Little Reading Is All The Therapy A Person Needs Sometimes Shirts the EPA Administrator has reason to believe that the interstate transport of air pollutants from one or more states contributes significantly to a violation of the NAAQS in one or more other states, he or she may establish a transport region comprised of those states to address such pollution. Under this provision, the Administrator may also add any state (or portion thereof). To a transport region to address interstate air pollution transport. When the Administrator establishes an ozone transport region, he or she shall also establish an associated transport commission to assess the degree of interstate pollution transport and control strategies to mitigate interstate air pollution transport.
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