Yeah and I’m sure you were walking around with Hot Nurses For Trump Shirt Funny Pro Trump Nurse T-Shirt a 6 sign too. Why are you hating on someone who did so much for the movement if you’re with that movement? You protested in the street, that’s great, but this man did it in front of his boss, his peers, and the entire nation. Ok there, tough guy. One entitled boot licker does not a hero make, you catch my drift? Quit sweating his balls, he does that enough on his own. Do you know that the else? I’ll be out there tonight too, fighting for the lives of my brothers to matter. What time do you go to bed? For better or for worse, we’re all in this together. And disrespecting some to bring awareness to others is a lost cause. He told me point blank ACB needed
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Keyboard Commando? I really hope someday you Hot Nurses For Trump Shirt Funny Pro Trump Nurse T-Shirts stand up for something you believe in and half of the entire country turns on you and your industry blackballs you into unemployment. Maybe then you can learn how to be compassionate. You know what asshole? My industry is gone, poof. Thanks to this asshole, the president, and a billion idiot cocksuckers. Who won’t wear a goddamned mask in public, my industry is gone. I got your compassion right here, and I’ll be out in the streets tonight so that more dead people don’t happen. To throw out the votes of 7.8 million people and just declare victory.
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