T-shirts are a weird business… relatively low start-up cost (for a business), super-duper low production cost (like 3-5usd a shirt), and very high mark-up… So its an extremely competitive and saturated market… but its really hard to come up with ideas that people want… Seriously though, I’ve known a Don’t Blame Me I Didn’t Vote For Him Shirt handful of people with screen printing companies and they all act like their shop floors are the Pentagon… I knew one that wouldn’t let an electrician into his building until he signed an NDA. She usually posts a lot of selfies of herself and her friends Me personally, while I don’t love all of Biden’s ideas, I’m pretty excited for competent leadership again I haven’t met an exited Trump fan in a while. They seem to be shutting the fuck up with the economic
Don’t Blame Me I Didn’t Vote For Him Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
. Lots of Strange content on her Facebook but it makes for a good laugh though. Also her chiropractor or whatever that doctor is is super hot so whenever she has a pic with her I make sure to give it alike. While Biden’s policies have been fleshed out to at least appear to be reasonably well thought out, as long as we have a Don’t Blame Me I Didn’t Vote For Him Shirt Would be nice to be able to browse Reddit without every other post being an “orange man bad” post What meltdown? They’ve been like this for 4 years now. Do you mean the continuation of the meltdown? Goodbye pics sub, I am a simple non us person who just wanted to see cool pictures like landscapes when I joined here, now all is about us politics,
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