Yea fuck a Cat Boooo Pumpkin Halloween Shirt debate, get Joey Diaz to bring enough stars to dose a small army, and take those cock suckers deep. The first candidate to fall asleep or wig out gets executed live on the JRE with Joe Rogan’s compound bow. Chimps and spearfishing…embodies the sporadic and complete borderline retarded shit that JR takes the conversation into with every single guest. Your comment made my day. I can just picture Joey just staring at them breathing heavily while occasionally mumbling to himself. My favorite Episode where this happens is the one with Andrew Dice Clay and Diaz(might be more than one episode with them on, IDK).
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Dice and Joe point out that Diaz is taking a Cat Boooo Pumpkin Halloween Shirt higher dose of edibles and Joeys like “ill be fine cocksucka I eat these mothafuckas for breakfast lunch and dinner ya fuckin pussy” and then a few mins later he’s silent as fuck in the corner. Let’s make it interesting: give Biden cocaine to wake him up and give Trump weed to calm him down. Let them walk a mile in each other’s shoes. Better idea – Hunter Biden and Don Jr. do a 4hr debate episode with both of them absolutely railed on coke, Joey Diaz as moderator. I mean, have you ever watched Don Jr speak? Don Jr reminds me of the oldest son in Succession. Just a coked-up disaster trying to be a dad. It’s pretty sad.
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