Plus when it gets really bad everything will be blamed on the police protests and nothing blamed on opening too early before that or all the fuckers at beaches and shit before that. I won’t even mention the nonsense before that as far as the “hair did” protests. If it was tyranny they were actually against they would be out here now protesting. The science is out there for people to know they are putting themselves in danger, but with all the wishy-washy nonsense coming out of the white house and elsewhere in terms of COVID 19; It’s disgraceful. But after a while, you start to look like the insane one for staying holed up. I’m in California, in late March I canceled family gatherings and my wife was mad but on board. My Mother’s Day she said she gotta go to her mom’s. They had a Carolina Girl Thou Shalt Not Try Me Mood 24 7 Shirt big party with grandma and the whole family. The. Memorial Day they had an even bigger party. We come from a big family so gathering (minimum 30 people) every weekend.
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Now things are back to normal and they have a family gathering every weekend. More relatives are flying back since they’re not working so it’s a good time for a vacation. There’s only so much I can tell my wife. Now I just look like the insane one. They have literally learned nothing and will never return to lockdown to protect others. I think people really forgot about it already and think it’s over. The curve never flattened and it been on the rise this whole time. We are close to 2 million cases now. It’s fucking ridiculous that so many Americans just don’t seem to care if 200-300 thousand people die of COVID. The ignorance and lack of empathy for others from a lot of our populace have shown me a Carolina Girl Thou Shalt Not Try Me Mood 24 7 Shirt side of America that makes me sick. 30% of our populations are either sociopaths, pure narcissists, or psychopaths.
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You always know there are some bad eggs in your mix, but 30% of our country? That is fucking insane. At the beginning it was like let’s close everything, people protest because they need haircuts. Now it’s slow reopening but you have to wear a mask. Of Carolina Girl Thou Shalt Not Try Me Mood 24 7 Shirt course, that’s infringing on individual liberties and this is America. This is why numbers will continue to rise. The individualistic culture where people only seem to think about themselves. You can do everything right to try to stay safe but if your friends and families don’t follow precautions you’re still at risk to catch it. Sad they’re predicting a second wave and the first never stopped
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The quality is too good
I bought it for the first time, I like it