It’s worse than this though. This is gross income, before having to reinvest in her plexus stock. She has to purchase her inventory each month and then sell it. So if she’s (theoretically) making $1,000 each month, she then has to go by, let’s say, $800 more toward her Blood Inside Me Plexus Worldwide Need I’m Your Girl Shirt. That would bring her net income to $200. Accurate- MLMs are so crooked. Let’s say it for the folks in the back: If your money goes back to a CEO that isn’t you, you’re not a CEO or President of your own company. I’m not supporting local business if I buy from you, and it’s not like a franchise, which has protected territories and doesn’t gain most of its income from their employees buying inventory.
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Which is why it’s such a piss off when they manage to get involved in community fairs that try to support local businesses. Or what supposed to be a local “craft market”!!!! I am so stinking glad my main Blood Inside Me Plexus Worldwide Need I’m Your Girl Shirt won’t let them in. When senior is the lowest rung you know it’s a scam. But she’s probably considered an independent contractor and subject to self-employment tax on that too. In the U. S. Self employment tax is about 20%. Plus the regular tax rate. Yeah, right…they totally pay taxes. They ump America, but there’s probably a Bible verse you can do mental gymnastics with to conclude how it’s ok to not pay ungodly taxes. The FLDS brag on how they take.
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As much from the government as possible while also paying no/minimal taxes. They think of it as “milking the beast” of the US government. Source: the book “the witness wore red.” Forget the FLDS, we have a president who declares it’s smart to pay as little tax as possible. A Blood Inside Me Plexus Worldwide Need I’m Your Girl Shirt who has a whole circle of connections. Who is also working overtime to grab up as much government cash as possible while they can? Her income likely doesn’t meet the threshold for Federal income tax, but even if it did, “Render unto Caesar…” is pretty unambiguous, and from the mouth of The Man Himself. The self-employment limit for filing a return is $400. And plexus gives 1099s which have 100% matching with theirs.
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