If someone two weeks ago said, “I bet you can’t lose money betting on both the market going up going down,”. I don’t think I could have come up with a strategy as effective as my retarded moves. FOMO into puts near the bottom calls near the top of rebound. Get stuck with a Baby Yoda Mask USPS It’s Dangerous To Go Alone Take This Shirt. SPY straddle let time decay wipe out both. The market is so far removed from reality, 0% interest rates mean no brakes on a car, infinite QE means crowding out effect is going to crush avg Joe. Now consider 45 days likely to change into 4 months and then fall COVID hits.
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All this is doing is pushing the Baby Yoda Mask USPS It’s Dangerous To Go Alone Take This Shirt. US senators were selling all their stocks ahead of the actual fall, but it’s DEFINITELY not happening now. No way they would do that to us, they care about us. Every market is hovering near 1% today waiting for our jobs report. I probably shoulda sold my puts yesterday with the understanding that today. The report will be another underreported attempt to save morale. Someone did some half-assed LK DD like a month ago. I was tempted to yolo like $500 into retard leap puts for a situation exactly like this. Man would’ve really enjoyed my Tesla from shitty Chinese coffee. The rationale for making the trade: Markets continue to respond to news irrationally, but this can’t continue indefinitely. I anticipate the downward movement over the next 3 weeks to be violent, but might only take us back to our previous low, and maybe not much past it.
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What is the endgame for oil? I’m talking years down the road. And more expensive until the planet ran out. I’m thinking that was bullshit and more likely the demand will go way down before the supply does as alternatives to Baby Yoda Mask USPS It’s Dangerous To Go Alone Take This Shirt. That weird Military press conference yesterday, sending Navy ships to deter drug operations (when that job usually falls to the Coast Guard), indicting Maduras, and now all this commotion surrounding oil. Ohio extended its stay at home until May. Don’t think those small business loans will help those that have to wait another month of 0 income.
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