Seeing as how it seems that every member of their species is strong in the Force, it may be likely that their primary method of communication is telepathic. It would also explain why Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Tampa Bay Buccaneers Shirt Yoda talks weird as he’s likely forcing himself to converse in a manner his species evolved beyond. They may converse with emotions, images, memories, etc; I think people don’t realize that it’s a different part of the brains that allow us to speak and understand a language. I’ve grown up with an exclusively Spanish speaking grandmother and so I generally can understand basic Spanish(at least the Mexican version and in a Mexican accent) but can only barely stumble my way through a few words while speaking.
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To any bilingual or multilingual person, none of these things would be confusing in the slightest. Only if the language environment is constant. If you’re talking about Asari and Krogan, they seem to age pretty similar to humans in terms of early development, but adolescence is much longer. Someone like Liara is around 105 for the trilogy and has been an independent adult and completed college and several years of work experience. A typical Asari would be off having a Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Tampa Bay Buccaneers Shirt 150 year Spring Break at this point. She might be 10 in terms of lifespan comparison, but she’s early 20’s in terms of maturity, and 35-50 in terms of education and career. It’s less like they age slower and more like they just have a defined biological stage for each major life stage.
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They aren’t teens and college students and working and parents at the same time, they are one of those things at a time. I don’t think Yoda was the last of his species. Correct. Yoda speaks an older form of Basic (what they call the common language, which we understand as English) which had different grammar rules. Makes sense though. He is like 900 years old. Like, imagine if William the Conquerer was still around. He’d be speaking a Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Tampa Bay Buccaneers Shirt weird amalgamation of Old English (which is pretty much entirely unintelligible for modern speakers), Middle English, and modern English all jumbled together in weird ways. It’s a miracle anyone can understand Yoda at all.
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The quality is too good