We don’t know anything about Yoda’s species. Not even their name or where they are from. Apart from The Child and Yoda himself, there has only been one other on-screen. I believe it was during Padmé’s funeral procession. Am I wrong in thinking Dagobah was Yoda’s home planet? Don’t forget that the majority of animals have DNA memory that’s passed down genetically. That’s why animals can be born and be on their own with little intervention. Others have the skills but need a parent’s intervention to hone them like predators. We on the other hand have to learn everything from scratch from day one and still rely on some kind of Top Baby Yoda Hug Metallica Shirt intervention to succeed.
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Seeing as how it seems that every member of their species is strong in the Force, it may be likely that their primary method of communication is telepathic. They may converse with emotions, images, memories, etc; that all get “translated” into the best way Yoda can verbally communicate. It really is. All I got is that Yoda’s species is completely force-sensitive, which is why information on them is kept secret. There are so many force sensitives, being a non-force sensitive is a disability in their perspective. Yeah, I imagine more than like 2 languages being spoken around you as a Top Baby Yoda Hug Metallica Shirt baby would be confusing. Especially if some of those languages were like Wookie or hottest or other languages his species can’t physically speak. We don’t know anything about Yoda’s species.
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Allow us to speak and understand a language. I’ve grown up with an exclusively Spanish speaking grandmother and so I generally can understand basic Spanish(at least the Mexican version and in a Mexican accent) but can only barely stumble my way through a few words while speaking. It never occurred to me to question this until I was hearing people complain about Han and Chewie having conversations in two different languages. To any bilingual or multilingual person, none of these things would be confusing in the Top Baby Yoda Hug Metallica Shirt slightest.
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