My wife is extremely beautiful. She in on another level of beauty its surreal. She once opened up to me about how she feels her only worth comes from her beauty as that’s all people see her as, so she is very scared of becoming unattractive to me and in general. I, of course, did not marry her for her beauty. She has an Awesome Yes They’re Natural Shirt lovely heart and soul and I would be with her if no matter how she looked. I asked if there was a medical problem she was keeping from me, and she didn’t say anything. She said that wasn’t necessary and went to bed, near tears.
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When I confronted her about it the next day, she told me it’s a women’s right to choose how they want to have a baby and the man shouldn’t get a say because it’s the woman who has suffered through pregnancy. I told her she was being crazy and irrational, acting like an insecure teenager, not to mention how much money a surrogate would cost- money that we don’t have. But she was dead set about not carrying our baby. I told her I’m not having an Awesome Yes They’re Natural Shirt baby by surrogacy and that she should probably get therapy because the way she’s thinking is not healthy.
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I slept on the couch that night and I could hear her crying from our room. This whole thing is crazy to me. We are adults. She told her friends and they all texted me saying that it’s a women’s right to decide whether or not she wants to carry a baby, but my wife’s reasons are ludicrous? This whole situation is so weird. I just need some unbiased clarity. AITA? The compromise that will likely happen is adoption in a not so distant future, as I’m still not willing to go through with surrogacy and I will not force my wife to go through an Awesome Yes They’re Natural Shirt pregnancy she clearly doesn’t want. Maybe some time down the road we’ll have a biological child if she’s willing. Were still young.
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