Santa was exposed but is currently Awesome Single Taken Mentally Dating With Damon Shirt asymptomatic and it would be incredibly irresponsible of him to be visiting everyone. Perhaps if you all didn’t lie to your children by creating fantasy mascots for holidays this problem wouldn’t exist. I know that in my case I never believed anything my parents said after they admitted they lied to me my entire childhood. This is largely why I’m an atheist because they obviously made God up too. -Santa is an immortal. He has survived numerous pandemics, two World Wars, some terrible movies. I’ve spent Christmas alone, and dream back to those Christmases, the excitement, the feeling of waiting on Santa.
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And my kid is going to experience Awesome Single Taken Mentally Dating With Damon Shirts that joy as well. If any Cynical wants to ruin that, that’s pretty sad. Santa will be safe as long as everyone is in bed. So that they don’t risk coming into contact with him. Ideally, presents and stockings should be left in the living room rather than in bedrooms so as to minimize the risk of contact. Extra milk and cookies should be left out so that Santa doesn’t have to stop to buy snacks. Leaving out gloves, spare masks, and hand sanitizer or soap would be a good idea if those are available – if not, Santa probably has plenty to spare. Presumably, Mrs. Claus has already made him his own reusable mask.
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