A Vodka Happy Water For Fun People Vintage Shirt a few years ago my mum would constantly volunteer me to go to a man and his daughter’s house to help set anything electrical up because they’re very dim and don’t understand much. It was always simple things like turning on their Wii, changing games, TV not picking up remote control (had the infrared receiver on the TV blocked, and tried using the Wii one still plugged into the Wii). I refused quite a lot, especially after the daughter (now 15) told her neighbor her stepmother abused her and her real mother buried her sibling, who apparently died at childbirth, in the garden. Neither of these happened. Mum finally stopped when the kid accused me of punching her in the face I have a group of colleagues who’s close to me and there is this one girl who constantly makes fun of my voice. at first, I just laugh it off but then she did it more often and everyone started doing it and it bothers me so much.
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I’m asthmatic and the number of times people do this in the dingy, stuffy school bathrooms is infuriating!! I’ve had to Vodka Happy Water For Fun People Vintage Shirt bust out my inhaler a few times in front of chicks and they’ve all instantly put their sprays away and hurried out. Pisses me off cause in Aussie summers it’s even worse. Imagine being able to breathe for free!! A friend did this in a car with 6 people in it. He actually aimed it out into the car, not on himself. Before the spritz even ended we were all yelling at him. He thought it would be nice for everyone lol. My wife and I were in a flight from Prague to Chicago and 30 minutes in the lady next to us took a perfumed shower. I have chronic migraines and I have never been so pissed at anyone in my life. I don’t think people litter because they actually think it’s ok. It’s too shitty a thing for that. They know it’s not ok but they don’t care and they do it anyway. Some crappy people are just ok with doing not-ok crap.
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