Having worked at a Vintage It’s Okay To Be Gay LGBT Lesbian Girls Shirt unionized factory many years ago, I’d always be amazed at how many of the unionized staff were staunch conservatives despite the conservatives always being the union-busting party. I guess it’s impressive how the Cons can convince the masses to vote against their own interests. I’m in one of the strongest unions in North America. It blows my fucking mind how many Conservatives I’ve come across in my local. There’s usually a common thread amongst them, though: bigotry. You can explain how CPC would dismantle our union given the opportunity, and even if you’d convince them, it still doesn’t win over their bigotry. They’re a minority amongst us, and usually pretty quiet until they’re chummy with you or have had a number of drinks. But they’re there.
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As a Vintage It’s Okay To Be Gay LGBT Lesbian Girls Shirt Albertan surrounded by extreme conservatives, I can tell you how they do it. Most conservatives are idiots. No, I’m not discussing their political views or ignorance. I mean they’re straight up just dumb people. That’s why they cling to every random person with conservative views that sounds even remotely intelligent. Sprinkle a few big words in with your racism and conservatives will love you. Farmers, miners, etc, are convinced the CPC that constantly guts the programs that help them are on their side, and they have convinced the leftists that built those programs are evil. Because pick up trucks, good ol’ boys and country music yeehaw. Harper, a smooth operator, and no dummy was able to barely pull off that balancing act. It goes without saying but Scheer’s no Harper.
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