About the same thing except I would’ve had my mom to joke around with. Now I joke to myself while her urn sits on a shelf in the living room corner. I would’ve gotten to go through my senior year of high school with her being there by my side in an Autoneum Inside Me Covid-19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt literal sense This was supposed to be my fuck cancer travel year before going back to work. In April I was taking my dad to Iceland with me for a nerd convention. After that, I was going to take our 4×4 truck and spend 3mo or more on the road. Visiting national parks, museums, sightseeing, camping. My company isn’t even struggling really but they are squeezing every ounce of all of us for the stock price. It’s disgusting actually. I hope it slows down for us all soon and customers start to remember we’re humans too and doing our best.
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I’m supposed to be taking improv at iO in Autoneum Inside Me Covid-19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt Chicago. Now the whole theatre is closed. It’s especially sad because I was finally making adult friends in that class (I graduated from college in 2019, so I no longer live near most of my close friends). We were staying in touch a little bit at the beginning of quarantine but it’s kind of fizzled out. So sorry. Iceland is amazing. One of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. Maybe you can postpone it to winter. Not sure where you’re from, but Iceland allows tourists at the moment and they test you at the airport, the only risk is if you test positive they’ll put you in isolation. But it’s definitely possible to go there. Funny thing. I realized I wanted to go to Japan and the Olympics and I regretted not saving money.
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