The hair on fire with Australia on one side and the Amazon on the other. Wear an inflated bubble suit around the body with spikes sticking out like the virus, with a Turtle Buckle Up Buttercup You Just Flipped My Witch Switch Halloween Moon Shirt I clearly remember it. It was the Halloween my friend and I decided to dress in our Gymkhana fit, and went trick or treating in the country on horseback. House we’re about half a mile apart. The moon was super full. I’ll never forget how eerie that night felt. Us ER nurses have been aware of this day since January….we are not looking forward to it. The full moon (the crazies really do come out), Halloween nonsense, Daylights saving times =13h shift, AND it’s a freaking Saturday. The only thing we didn’t plan on when this became a meme at the beginning of the year was they’re being a pandemic to top it off. Can’t
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They voted to consider possibly abolishing it, or something like that. And even that was a dramatic proposition, with very heated arguments on both sides. I voted for that quicker than anything ever. What makes it even worse is that Federal law actually allows states to Turtle Buckle Up Buttercup You Just Flipped My Witch Switch Halloween Moon Shirt Congress involved, which means we went with the option that was basically guaranteed to be caught up in bureaucratic bs. I’m banking on flying saucer, steal your oceans, intergalactic expressway aliens Has anyone mentioned it’s, also, a Blue Moon? That’s where the phrase “once in a Blue Moon” comes from. Rarely do two Full Moon events happen in one month, and it’s happening on Halloween (Samhiam for Wicca/Witchcraft practitioners) 2020. What an event it will be!
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