It will be beautiful. It will be the most beautiful grave ever. People will look at it and say “isn’t that the most beautiful grave ever?” People come from all over the world to shower my grave with gold. There will be a #Tre45on Anti Trump Treason Shirt, beautiful tomb… Very big, very strong. You see they say there are nice tombs. Very nice. Nice places. Sad places, totally sad, but beautiful. So there will be a tomb I’m told, isn’t that right Mike? A tomb? Yes alright. And a library or something like that no? Very nice. We’ll make it great folks, we always do.
#Tre45on Anti Trump Treason Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women
We always do. And some say it’ll be the best. I don’t know! That’s what they tell me. I bet Fred Trump used to tell Donnie he just needs to shut up when the word salad starts. Ya know, for the #Tre45on Anti Trump Treason Shirt. Just shut your goddamned mouth, Donald! Oh, I bet it used to piss him off when dummy don talked. Thing is Trump didn’t use to word salad. There are videos on YouTube contrasting his speech in the ’80s and today. The difference is truly shocking. That’s what 40 years of narcissism and being followed around by yes-men will do to you.
Official #Tre45on Anti Trump Treason Sweatshirt, Hoodie
The Trump presidential library will consist of a never opened copy of Mein Kempf sitting on a dusty shelf. A lot of folks are saying it’s very clean, very very clean. Is it clean? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. We’ll see what the #Tre45on Anti Trump Treason Shirt happens. And they’ll make it so clean. It’ll be the cleanest grave and you wouldn’t believe it. But everyone knows it. They’ll clean with bleach and disinfectant just like I said to do for the COVID thing. I hope they just build a giant restroom over his grave, and all the toilets just flush into his casket.
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