Not to mention the way that the requests for aid in reinforcing the CIA Annex were misconstrued by Fox News. Requests were made to reinforce one specific place and then that place was reinforced. That turned into “They asked for help and got nothing.” Also after 10 investigations, one by the FBI, one by an independent board commissioned by the State Department, two by Democrat-controlled Senate Committees, and six by Republican-controlled House Committees, not one found any evidence of wrongdoing by the Obama Administration. It’s all just a Top Celebrities Know What’s Best Shirt crock of crap. Exactly. I always point out that if they thought there was wrongdoing that doesn’t you think that at least one of the investigations would’ve come to that conclusion, even the Republican lead ones? The response is usually something along the lines of the Democratic-run deep state preventing charges or something. There is literally no hope for some people.
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The upcoming x months will see a steady increase in the death of other causes and people will be none the wiser. And ‘the people’ will demand the reopening of the Top Celebrities Know What’s Best Shirt market because people are running out of money and won’t care anymore about solidarity for the weak. Our population here is older, sicker, and about on par with Italy, but the local healthcare system sucks even worse. The CEO of the healthcare company that has a monopoly over our region told the news they are ready to go with 200 ventilators… to care for a population of 1.2 million people. If only 10% get sick and 1/5 of those require hospitalization, that’s 24,000 people who will need them. My boss is laughing about the pandemic, telling us people are acting crazy. Also in the same breath mocked that his employees couldn’t afford to bring a lawsuit against him if they got sick. It’s really eye-opening to see how little anyone who gets anything is soon to flaunt an imaginary status as if anyone’s impressed.
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They’ll be the active little ping pong balls zipping virus around their communities early in the infection process. They’ll get sick, but they’ll get sick early when hospitals aren’t overflowing and there are still ventilators available and will have the Top Celebrities Know What’s Best Shirt best chance of recovery. then a few weeks later the cascading effect of the community spread they caused will hit everyone around the time social distancing fatigue sets in and people start ignoring recommendations to isolate. A couple of weeks after that our hospital and death situation is going to make Italy look like a success story. I know it’s probably toxic as fuck to say this, but this is what natural selection looks like in a post-modern world. I wish we could get through to these people – some of them are my relatives and family. But, they’re going to decide to ignore the warnings then they’re going to find out just how dangerous it may be. My father is a republican. He is in his mid-60s recently diagnosed with cancer and last weekend was a bit callous about COVID19. I returned from a vacation on Tuesday, and the attitude has done a 180. I haven’t seen him, won’t until the end of the month.
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