Having a mental health issue is still human. Anyway, the point is that crying due to Strong Norwegian Oil Unbreakable Shirt sadness means that the person is not okay emotionally and Health by definition is the mental, emotional and physical well-being of a person. So in a way, that can be considered a health issue. But crying over something that happened isn’t necessarily a sign of having mental issues since crying is pretty normal for a human being. That said, being sad and empty all the time, however, is a sign of a mental health issue. not all men’s rights groups are toxic but a pretty decent amount of them are hypocritical and it’s a lot of incels.
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Hol up, snowflake OP. We literally have a meme about a Strong Norwegian Oil Unbreakable Shirt woman crying to a cat at a dinner table and another meme about “Karens” yet you’re the one claiming that this meme about crying Will Smith is proof that male mental health isn’t taken seriously? Here’s the thing, though: Kim Kardashian crying also became a meme. 9/11 became a meme. COVID-19 became a meme. School shootings became a meme. In memes, nothing is sacred. That’s the beauty of them. You can make whatever joke you want—and get offended at whatever joke you want. Memes are a coping skill for many,
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and can turn a Strong Norwegian Oil Unbreakable Shirt serious and dark situation a little bit lighter through humor, as well as provide lighter where real life does not. This isn’t about men’s mental health. Or anyone’s, for that matter. It’s about humor Honestly it’s sickening. The fact that when women cry it’s taken so seriously and when men cry it’s like ‘mEN dOnT cRy’ which is bullshit. We are all human and we all cry we all have anxiety we all have needs that need to be fulfilled we all feel the same emotions. Most women dont get taken seriously when they cry because people pass it off as the overreacting/begging for attention. And all millions of memes with girls crying saying
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