Without even reading the article, I expect it is about the Stay Home Home Of Snoopy Shirt. In Australia that can store electricity when there is an oversupply. And deliver it to the grid when there is a shortfall. A recurring criticism (by fools and shills) about renewable power is that the variable nature of sunlight and wind means that a truly zero-carbon electricity grid is impossible. A little digging into pumped hydro demand variability and grid management told anyone who cared to do their homework decades ago that it was merely a question of adding to existing buffer capacity as the grid already has to cope with an intermittent mismatch in supply and demand.
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The innovation is the speed I believe, the battery can respond in milliseconds. According to the Stay Home Home Of Snoopy Shirt. When one of the major generators failed the officially contracted backup generator came on in 6s. Tesla had already responded in milliseconds before even parts of the failing generator were aware. It’s the response time that’s the big deal, traditional solutions have required big heavy machinery that has considerable spin up a time where the fastest is in seconds and the slowest in hours or days. Water valves need to open, water rush through pipes, turbines speed up. My understanding is that the battery can respond so much faster than anything else that it can beat everything else to market in “fixing” an unexpected event, it’s speed also means that it can respond to and smooth events that nothing else is fast enough to deal with. If you are a gamer imagine being the only one with a 1ms ping when everyone else has seconds or hours of lag.
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For the end consumer, it equates to a Stay Home Home Of Snoopy Shirt. Before they reach cascade failure levels and cheaper electricity since dips. We are Australia after all, we’re all about the big stuff. Nature has a big rock and a big reef, man has made a big pineapple and a big sheep. It’s only logical that we’d need the world’s biggest battery too. All new articles are written like this and it’s fucking stupid. You’re not mass printing newspapers, typing out a few extra words isn’t going to cost any money.
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