This is clearly against the Premium It’s A Christmas Movies And Hot Chocolate T-Shirt transportation code and it looks like it was done with intent (proving that may be hard). I like how they call them “MAGA Cavalry”.. like how is this not terrorism? all their actions go against everything they apparently stand for. And the news will still act like a homeless black man is more dangerous than these guys. Or at least that’s what their headlines reflect. America is going backward..Funny how it always just the right being violent. That’s their only defense. Violence. They were the bully in school. They never amount to anything. Violence gets you thrown in jail and it does nothing!!
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I hate 45 but be violent towards him, hell Premium It’s A Christmas Movies And Hot Chocolate T-Shirts no! As an American rather we like or dislike our president I don’t wish harm to anyone. Why? Because it takes away from our power and position in the world. But these far-right idiots don’t understand that. Other countries want our spot but as long as you act like this it’s the dive and conquers method of war. But they just don’t get it. This is insanely outrageous. Instead of fighting each other let’s be one with each other cause if we don’t someone else is going to take our spot.
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