And any higher disparity when the Premium Dog Greyhound Be You The World Will Adjust T-Shirt younger person is so young would be a form of power that would make any kind of relationship one where there can’t be the consent of any kind. Google “pedophile grooming”. Children are very vulnerable to manipulation. Age is the only power difference required. That’s why the age of consent laws exist in the first place. I know. The comment I had was meant to be more sarcastic. And meant to imply a more negative opinion of older people who get children to do things like this than came across. In-text with no vocal intonation or knowledge of who I am or what my opinions are.
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I also did say that I couldn’t think Premium Dog Greyhound Be You The World Will Adjust T-Shirts of a way that someone more than maybe. A year over 13 could be in a position that isn’t one with power in practice. That I use as the scale to classify encounters into abusive. Or not abusive relationships without the older person being very mentally impaired in it like bad down syndrome. And the 13-year-olds I had in mind would be more like a census of all 13-year-olds or a random sample of them, not someone specifically encountered and already preconditioned to think in certain ways like grooming or sex education that is manipulative.
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