This is, sadly, completely accurate. And, it’s not something we even think about. We just do it. It’s bizarre. Then you run into an issue where its confronted (a Nice Baking Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Shirt recipe uses C° for oven temp, or something needs you to enter height in cm/weight in kg) and you’re just like, well damn. I should know this. And it will never change, as we will always teach our kids what we know, and like hell, I’m going to figure out how to make my oven Celsius every time the power goes out, and convert all my recipes. Fuck that noise. The only thing I would argue is the weight for light objects can be measured in both lbs and kg (I purchase flour in kg, meat, and meat in both lbs and kg) but otherwise its completely correct.
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I’ve spent years fussing and whining about our bassackwards measurement system. To the point that a Nice Baking Because Murder Is Wrong Vintage Shirt fellow teacher would bribe mutual students to ask Chef Cheespage to explain why we didn’t use the metric system. I’d be completely lost in red-faced fist-shaking mode when she would show up in the plate glass window outside my classroom with a sly grin. I finally bit the bullet and rewrote every recipe I have. If it was not in metric, I converted it as soon as I had occasion to work with it. I refused to give students recipes that were not in metric units and did not accept recipes from students that were not in metric. The number of mistakes due to scaling errors and math errors dropped immediately. The food cost for the bakery went down.
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