You all are walking right into a Nice America Courage Freedom Diversity Rights Kindness Justice Eq Shirt trap with all your assumptions and confusing Alec Baldwin’s portrayal with the real Trump. Now that everyone is expecting a crazy yelling meltdown version of Trump, anything else is going to seem tame or god forbid ”presidential”. So when he’s up there being a good boy and keeping quiet for fear of literally running out of breath it’s going to give him a boost. Quit being suckers! It’s the first four minutes of each of the 6 segments, so 24 minutes of the debate total. Which is better than nothing, since Biden can at least get his message out from the start of each segment without being yelled over.
Nice America Courage Freedom Diversity Rights Kindness Justice Eq Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
My worry here is that the Nice America Courage Freedom Diversity Rights Kindness Justice Eq Shirts audience at home won’t hear Trump interrupting Biden, but Biden will. Everyone knows Biden stutters, especially when not given the space to say what he wants to say. This gives Trump the ability to basically make Biden stutter, without the audience knowing what’s causing it. Making Biden stutter in the first debate was the Trump strategy. But it didn’t work out. Joe seems to have the issue under control. Really? You don’t think we will be able to hear that loudmouth idiot yelling cause his mic’s muted?
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