Before he was a Nice 2020 Lending Tree Bowl Champions Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns Shirt Supreme Court justice he was just a lawyer. He did tons of pro bono work for gay rights activists and prepared arguments for many landmark cases for the gay rights communities (almost all pro bono) including Romer v. Evans. To me, the man’s jurisprudence is astounding and we’re lucky to have him on our panel. Roberts isn’t an originalist, but an institutionalist. He respects the prior decisions of the court, whether he voted in favor of it in the past or not. Regarding his jurisprudence he said, “my job is to call balls and strikes, not to pitch or bat”. Which is something some of the rest of our court needs to learn. cough Alito cough Thomas cough.
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This ruling was huge for Roberts. Nobody knew how he was going to Nice 2020 Lending Tree Bowl Champions Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns Shirt vote because of his past dissent on the same law. The fact that he voted in favor of this law in the past, he really put his money where his mouth is. Nobody can say he is not a true institutionalist. His actions today would violate every judicial ethics rule in the book. Law creates corporations The problem isn’t the court, with the possible exception that they refuse to fix the dumbfuckery that Congress flaunts. Heck, maybe that’s a feature from a certain point of view. But CU is unlikely to get fixed while any part of the L or E branches is controlled by Republicans.
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but I think it a something The Constitution never directly addresses and any decision will be built on sand because of it. But if you read more into Santa Clara County, you’ll see how much of a Nice 2020 Lending Tree Bowl Champions Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns Shirt clusterfuck it was. The lead attorney for Southern Pacific was Roscoe Conkling, who had twice been appointed to the Supreme Court and declined. I had a woman go on and on to me about the evils of socialism during the height of Bernie’s campaign. Her husband survives off of SSI and gets all his healthcare for his cancer treatments thanks to Medicare.
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