When I was little me and my sister rode the teacup ride at Disney with my dad. My dad got our teacup spinning really fast and all three of us were working together to Joe Kelly Nice Swing Bitch Shirt to keep it going. My sister and I were having a blast and not paying attention. I finally looked at my dad and he wasn’t helping us spin it anymore but he was sitting back and passed out cold. I thought he was joking so we kept spinning the cup. When the ride ended my dad stumbled out of the cup and puked in the bushes. We felt really bad about it. I smiled back, thinking it was cool that she must be responsible enough to buy her own clothes, cos I certainly didn’t in grade seven. I nodded and said, “they were $19.99, yeah.” She smiled and walked away and I was so excited to have been complemented by a person who was not only POPULAR but also A GIRL, that I wrote about it on my Harry Potter calendar and told my mom that “the cool kids liked my shoes.”
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Living on a Joe Kelly Nice Swing Bitch Shirt farm. I begged and begged my mom to buy a farm and have horses etc. I have never even liked to literally get my hands dirty. Though a horse would be nice, I was cured when someone moved into the neighboring farm and everything they owned was dirty, and the kids always had to help out with something on the farm. Reading some experiences and looking into this stuff it’s beginning to sound like a generation thing. I grew up in an extremely religious community that I only later found out had a lot of cult-like features. There were a lot of things that I thought were normal or even kinda great when I was a kid. Turns out television screen isn’t actually the devil’s device that it uses to enter your body.
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