That’s a piece of Reddit history I wasn’t aware of. I went through an I Work Hard So My Dogs Can Have A Better Life Shirt similar thing with the movie Dodgeball back when it first came out. I fell in love with a unique version of the song “Red Rubber Ball” that plays near the end of the movie. Couldn’t find it to download anywhere so I reached out to the band directly (I think it was Egg Chair but I could be remembering wrong) They actually responded and told me it’s just a short, incomplete cover they did specifically for the movie – but they were nice enough to send me the mp3 as thanks for being a fan of their work. I was overjoyed and so proud of myself. These days, you can pretty easily find the song it seems. Pretty sure it’s on YouTube at the very least. can confirm. We once had a pet monkey when I was a kid and she’ll growl at you and pull your hair if you try to move away and interrupt her. It’s unexpectedly relaxing having a monkey searching your hair for lice or whatever.
I Work Hard So My Dogs Can Have A Better Life Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
I’m grateful my dad was a bit of a collector. There was an I Work Hard So My Dogs Can Have A Better Life Shirt point where our home was like a mini zoo: we got cats, dogs, snakes, monkey, an eagle, rabbits, mice, bees, and a bird of some sort. I remember as a kid I’d go around the neighborhood with a snake hanging on my neck, showing it off to others. People would gather around me and be amazed at the balls that I have at the age of 5 or 6. But that was not really balls, just child innocence, and trust to my dad that he knows what he’s allowing me to do. Ah, good times. I used the nit-comb whenever my daughter got ‘em. I tried it because keeping the medicated treatment out of her face and eyes was a bit of a nightmare when she was little. Instead, I would nit-comb her while she was watching the telly and it was super, super satisfying getting the bastards individually, on a personal basis. And you could count their tiny corpses once you’d wiped them on the tissue. Honestly, my inner monkey has never been so happy. I miss the nits.
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