While not a supporter of Good Sorry For What I Said While Docking The Boat Vintage Shirt the man himself, I am very impressed to actually see this opinion in the wild shared by someone else! Cheers! Trump refraining from Neo-liberal Bush/Obama foreign wars honestly makes him MUCH better than those two. in terms of lives and dollars saved, it’s not even close really. These opinions are always coupled with a statement clarifying how much they hate him. They’re scared to just admit they agree with him on anything. You’re supposed to hate Trump no matter what he does! You’ve got my ax on that one, boys and girls. That’s not to say his me policy is great or even good.
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It’s just a lot better than 16 years of Bush and Good Sorry For What I Said While Docking The Boat Vintage Shirts Obama chaos, wreckage, and destruction. Obama bombed the out of that friendly country. Yeah, it was hilarious watching neocons seethe when he decided not to bomb Iran when they shot down an unmanned drone. Also, whatever happened to the Kurds? I thought they were facing immediate genocide if the US didn’t get more involved in Syria? The media seemed to forget about them after a week or two. Also, remember when ABC tried to pass off a KY gun range video as strikes on the Kurds? I remember.
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