For Good Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Toom Shirt anyone curious, the actual reason is that. Except with surnames, apparently. I know a family with the surname Combs. And it’s pronounced “Cooms.” I also know another family with the surname Coombs pronounced. The same way, so I’ve always wondered if the first family just doesn’t know how to pronounce their own fucking name. Does the word end with your lips making a sound? English is not my first language and I used to pronounce it as tomb the way bomb is pronounced. And I would say tomb Raider, tomb Raider until my friend corrected me like the tomb and now I’m hearing that it is toom.
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Like with all due respect, English sometimes makes no sense. Many words in English came from other languages. This source of origin sometimes dictates how you pronounce sounds which sometimes are spelled identically. To completely different sounds. A lot of the pronunciation differences are just dialect differences. A Good Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Toom Shirt a lot of different areas speak English. I’ve ever heard someone actually say the B but maybe people do but its a soft b and not all that noticeable.
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English first here, American if it matters. I was always taught to Good Baby Yoda Face Mask Hug Toom Shirt pronounce the b, but just barely. Guess no one’s ever corrected me. Because I say it so lightly you don’t know. Canadian here and I agree. If you open your mouth at the end of pronouncing. English first here, and English as it matters. Whoever taught you to say it like that was wrong. Our language is truly fucked, and this is coming from someone who speaks French & Spanish. Those languages make WAY more sense than English.
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