I mean. I knew we were doomed as soon as. The Funny July Girl I’m Sunshine Mixed With A Little Hurricane Shirt appointed him head of the task force. When they appointed the dude who doesn’t believe in science. Thou shalt not lie. Good thing we only have to put up with him for four more years. The prerequisite to be in the dump administration is a complete denial of science and be completely incompetent. Tell that to. Eddie Van Halen. Cancer is the culprit. As most people know, before her being a. Senator, she served as the chief prosecutor for the city of San Francisco. Now, complaints are coming forward that she flat out refused to pursue criminal cases against.
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Her failed presidential campaign had published. Kamala Harris has been a staunch Funny July Girl I’m Sunshine Mixed With A Little Hurricane Shirts advocate. On behalf of sexual assault victims, especially child sexual assault victims. As a line prosecutor, she took on notoriously difficult to prove child sexual assault cases, put predators. Behind bars and created a coalition to combat child exploitation.” This is a claim that Piscitelli says is a flat out lie. Dominic De Lucca also tried to get Harris and her office to pursue charges against a priest. After he was allegedly raped by one when he was 12-years-old. According to.
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