My sister noticed a Dairy Cows Dear Fucking Cancer Leave Me Tits Alone Autism Shirt small painful lump in her breast shortly after having her second child. The doctor diagnosed a blocked mammary gland. A couple of weeks later it still wasn’t gone. Again doc said blocked gland. Months later it’s still not gone and she insists on getting a second opinion. Stage 3 breast cancer. Double mastectomy immediately followed by months of agonizing radiation and chemo only to find out its now stage four. She’s been stable for a few years but now it’s spreading again and we don’t know how long we have w her. Trying to be as positive as possible. Please women, get a BRCA1 test, to find if you’re genetically prone to breast and ovarian cancer! My gyno does them for everyone, but most don’t. You need to know because it will sometimes cause you to get breast cancer early, which doctors don’t expect and don’t test for.
Dairy Cows Dear Fucking Cancer Leave Me Tits Alone Autism Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Now we are at the end of our journey, and it’s been a Dairy Cows Dear Fucking Cancer Leave Me Tits Alone Autism Shirt harrowing experience for me as his wife and caregiver. It’s a lonely journey. I don’t wish it upon anyone and no one has any idea what glioblastoma is like unless they have gone through it. The median survival time is 14-18 months. We are on our 18th month now.. and given days/ weeks left. Every day is a gift, and I’m glad I get to be holding his hands every day, even if he’s resting and sleeping most of the time. As long as he is not in pain, and that the morphine patches are working, that is fine by me… I can’t handle him going through any more pain. “Nope, that lump is fine, just a lipoma. However, we found another lump in the corner of your Xray and we need to biopsy That’s absolutely not normal whether cancer or something else. Get a second opinion from another ob-gyn or request an appointment with a specialist. I wasn’t able to solve a reoccurring issue (not cancer) until I did the latest.
3 reviews for Dairy Cows Dear Fucking Cancer Leave Me Tits Alone Autism Shirt