Oh well, next year…for now I have Awesome I Love My Family Hidden Message Shirt my 3 skeletons (for now) in Packer gear and waving awesome, we have the same skeleton and get a lot of cars stopping and kids taking photos next to it. Always happy to see other Halloween lovers. I think this is so cute! But, honestly, hate the idea that no matter what you do anymore someone is gonna upload a photo or video of you doing it to Reddit. Thanks. Basically, everything that you do is on camera these days. As for this particular situation, I would think that if you’re willing to walk onto someone’s lawn to take the video then you are fair game. Besides, it’s in public.
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While many may not think before Awesome I Love My Family Hidden Message Shirts they record/upload, I can say that I did. No address information, the driver is not identifiable, numbers on a truck cannot be read. I don’t see a downside in this particular situation. It’s kind of refreshing to see a post of something or someone nice instead of all the violence and hate that’s posted lately. There are definitely situations where recording something going on is not appropriate (I.e. someone in need of help and the person decides to record it instead of helping). Obviously, this was not one of those situations.
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