You’re 30 & still renting, single, & working somewhere beneath your potential. You’ll fight to August Birthday 2020 1 Out Of TheYear When Shit Got Real Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt hold on to your youth viewing it as being “enlightened” & “modern” at 40 you’ll realize you really do want to be married & have children & despite the evidence of “geriatric” pregnancies (>35) producing much higher likelihood of ADHD, Autism, & a whole host of other developmental disorders you’ll selfishly have a baby to fill the hole in your life created by your vast disdain for maturity…So you have a flood shirt right? You have a curious chart. There is much going on but nothing happening. Apart from an inevitable weight gain of staggering proportions. Literally you will be staggering instead of walking.
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One of Sara MacLachlan’s drippy homeless dogs would think you lacked pride. There’s an August Birthday 2020 1 Out Of TheYear When Shit Got Real Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirtcertain lack of focus and organization shall we say? Next time you take a picture Tell your eyes to be the same size. and why can’t u barely write roast me on this paper it looks like my 2-year cousin wrote that for you. Maybe these people weren’t kidding about you not looking your age. August Birthday 2020 1 Out Of TheYear When Shit Got Real Very Bad Would Not Recommend Shirt only hopes of getting a man is standing on a street corner offering to let them practice urban dictionary sex moves on you. But for now, enjoy picking the 40 candles out your cake that says happy 30th right before you skip dinner for 1 and eat the whole cake by your self because not even food or a slice of cake could get the homeless person to spend any time with you
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